v1Houseplant Appreciation Day is today, January 10th, which is a perfect opportunity to make sure all the indoor green plants and houseplants get the love they deserve from you.

While we love these beautiful additions to our homes, we may not always know exactly how to take care of them so they keep on providing natural décor.v2

v3Not all plants were created equal in terms of the sunlight, humidity, water and fertilizer they need to keep thriving.

Here is a general overview on some of the various types of plants and the type of care they need:
• Ferns like indirect light and moist soil, but there must be good drainage. It helps to add a tray that has been filled with pebbles and water so the fern has water but is not sitting in it. v4
• Green foliage plants are a category that includes many varieties, such as rubber plants, ficus, dracaena, philodendron and more. These plants tend to do better without any sunlight and a moderate amount of water with good drainage for aeration and to avoid root rot. Green foliage plants also do well when fed green plant fertilizer.
• Blooming plants, which include varieties like violets, kalanchoe, begonias and more, offer up some beautiful and colorful blooms at certain points in the year. Keep these plants moist but not in standing water. The majority of blooming plants like bright light but not direct sunlight.
• Orchids are very unique blooming plants that have specific requirements that keep them thriving. The plants are put in a soil-less medium that does not hold water so they need watering at least twice a week while their foliage is happy if it is misted with water from a spray bottle. Orchids do well in moderate temperature with some regular addition of orchid-specific fertilizer.
• Dish gardens tend to combine a few different kinds of green plants that do well in low light levels with moist soil. Since most dish gardens come in containers that do not have drainage holes, it is important to keep an eye on water levels. v5
Be sure to visit our Denver showroom and see all the gorgeous plants we have available that will brighten your home or office! v6