V6While you appreciate what teachers do for your kids the whole year round, year in and year out, why not take the time this year during Teacher Appreciation Week to let them know with a little gift? It’s May 7th through May 11th. Plus, you can pick May 8th to deliver a gift since this is Teacher Appreciation Day.

Whatever you decide to do, come check out what we have for Denver teachers at our Denver flower shop and garden center as well as online through our gift website:


Send a bright thank you to your favorite teacher with this bouquet of red, yellow, and purple flowers. It includes flowers like alstroemeria, roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas, and snapdragons in a glass vase.


The Always True™ Bouquet showcases orange roses, spray roses, and tulips along with hot pink mini carnations, purple tulips, dark pink Asiatic lilies and greenery in a clear glass rectangular vase.


The Cottage Garden Bouquet is from the Better Homes and Gardens Collection®. There are lavender stock, lavender Matsumoto asters, blue iris, and white daisy poms arranged in a lantern style vase. This vase can be used later on for more flowers or even as a candle holder.


This is the perfect gift for a male teacher. It features yellow daisies, orange roses, red carnations and purple statice in a ceramic replica of the legendary ’48 Ford F-1 pickup.


This floral bouquet includes green miniature hydrangea and light pink spray roses in a citrus green glass cube.

Other Teacher Gifts Denver Dazzler

We also have other gifts like gift baskets, chocolates, and fresh fruit that all make great teacher gifts. There are also local Denver products that can be arranged into a special gift for that extraordinary teacher.

Order today! We can deliver to Denver schools or you can pick up!