5 Reasons to Love Sunflowers

Veldkamp’s Flowers and Gifts

Denver’s Favorite Flower Shop

Veldkamp’s Flowers is a family-owned and operated flower shop that has delivered unique, value-driven gifts and floral designs since 1959. For 70 years, we have helped customers throughout Denver with gift-giving, decor, events, and weddings. We pride ourselves in offering the freshest flowers, most unique floral designs, locally crafted and nationally branded gifts, and exceptional value and variety.

No matter what the season, we all have our favorite flowers. For our customers and many of us here at Veldkamp’s it’s the sunflower. As part of our fall flower collection, we put together a brief list of reasons why we love the sunflower so much.

1. They are brightly colored, adding cheer.

The color yellow is known to be a positive color for its bright hue, giving off optimism, confidence, and happy thoughts. Having sunflowers around helps improve your mood. It’s hard not to smile when you see one or a bunch of sunflowers.

2. They point upwards to the sun.

These tall flowers lean toward the direction of the sun and even look a bit like the sun with their round shape and yellow petals.  With fall often bringing cloudy days and darkness earlier, it’s nice to have sunflowers to light up the room.

3. Sunflowers grow at their own pace.

Sunflowers teach us a lot like to do things our way. This flower doesn’t look to grow as fast as others in nature. Instead, it does what it wants, growing toward the sun on its own terms.

4. They nourish others.

Just because they do their own thing doesn’t mean sunflowers don’t do things for others. The sunflower nourishes insects and bees. Plus, these flowers give us sunflower seeds, which many find pretty tasty.

5. Sunflowers can grow in just about any conditions.

Sunflowers are hardy flowers that can withstand even the hottest summers and manage to survive on very little water. Of course, they are also happy in more moderate conditions with plenty of water nearby.

We have a wide selection of sunflowers that you can buy individually or as part of a bouquet, arrangement, or centerpiece. You can even work with our floral design team on a custom sunflower arrangement as a special gift, decor item, or event focal point.

October 15th, 2019|Categories: Sunflowers|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 5 Reasons to Love Sunflowers

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