Celebrate Floral Design Day on February 28th

Floral design is really art. Like painting and other creative endeavors, floral design involves creativity and offers the viewer something that shows emotions and feelings without words. Arranging flowers and greenery a certain way can evoke love, friendship, caring, forgiveness, celebration, and sympathy. It can enhance the ambiance at an event like a wedding or party as well as offer comfort in times of sadness. For centuries, people have been arranging flowers and displaying them or giving them to others. This is why Floral Design Day on February 28th became an official national occasion day in 1995 although it was long celebrated prior to that. Here in Denver, we love our floral designers. We know we have the best in the area and are proud of their floral craftsmanship. They are the most experienced and creative in Denver. Our floral artists have numerous collections to share with you, including some new designs coming up for Spring,

February 25th, 2021|Categories: Floral Design|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Celebrate Floral Design Day on February 28th

Celebrating Floral Design Day in Denver

February 28th has been designated as a nation celebration known as Floral Design Day. This special day was started as a way to draw more attention to the talent and beauty that goes into floral design. After all, flowers are one of the most beloved gifts to receive so what better way than to elevate their beauty through unique placement in a vase, bouquet, or other type of container. The emotions and feelings within the symbolic flowers become stronger when presented in a pleasing way to the eye, especially at weddings and special events. While we might appear a bit biased when we say we have the best floral designers in Denver, our many awards and accolades from industry associations and Denver contests seem to back us up on that. Our exclusive designs illustrate the incredible creativity and talent our floral design team has to create just about anything for a gift, decor, or special event

February 28th, 2018|Categories: Floral Design|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Celebrating Floral Design Day in Denver